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Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X) is the premier gel loading dye from NEB for sharp, tight bands.

  • No UV Shadow
  • Contains Ficoll® for brighter, tighter bands
  • Contains SDS for improved band sharpness
  • Contains EDTA to stop enzymatic reactions
  • Compatible with agarose and non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels
  • Our Purple Gel Loading Dye sharpens bands and eliminates the UV shadow seen with other dyes. Available with or without SDS (NEB #B7025).

Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X) is a pre-mixed loading buffer which contains a combination of two dyes, Dye 1 (pink/red) and Dye 2 (blue). The red dye serves as the tracking dye for both agarose and non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The two dyes separate upon gel electrophoresis; the red band is the major indicator and migrates similarly to Bromophenol Blue on agarose gels. Specifically chosen, this dye does not leave a shadow under UV light. This solution contains SDS, which often results in sharper bands, as some restriction enzymes are known to remain bound to DNA following cleavage. EDTA is also included to chelate magnesium (up to 10 mM) in enzymatic reactions, thereby stopping the reaction. The dye also contains Ficoll, which creates brighter and tighter bands when compared to glycerol loading dyes. This product is packaged as 4x1 ml vials.

Attention SYBR® Safe and GelRed™ dye users: Due to an increased concentration of SDS* in B7024S, NEB recommends using Gel Loading Dye, Purple, No SDS (6X) (NEB# B7025S) instead.

Product Number
  • Catalog No. Product Name Specification Package Price(CNY) Inventory Status Quantity
    B7024S 4ml 1瓶
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Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X) is the premier gel loading dye from NEB for sharp, tight bands.

  • No UV Shadow
  • Contains Ficoll® for brighter, tighter bands
  • Contains SDS for improved band sharpness
  • Contains EDTA to stop enzymatic reactions
  • Compatible with agarose and non-denaturing polyacrylamide gels
  • Our Purple Gel Loading Dye sharpens bands and eliminates the UV shadow seen with other dyes. Available with or without SDS (NEB #B7025).

Gel Loading Dye, Purple (6X) is a pre-mixed loading buffer which contains a combination of two dyes, Dye 1 (pink/red) and Dye 2 (blue). The red dye serves as the tracking dye for both agarose and non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The two dyes separate upon gel electrophoresis; the red band is the major indicator and migrates similarly to Bromophenol Blue on agarose gels. Specifically chosen, this dye does not leave a shadow under UV light. This solution contains SDS, which often results in sharper bands, as some restriction enzymes are known to remain bound to DNA following cleavage. EDTA is also included to chelate magnesium (up to 10 mM) in enzymatic reactions, thereby stopping the reaction. The dye also contains Ficoll, which creates brighter and tighter bands when compared to glycerol loading dyes. This product is packaged as 4x1 ml vials.

Attention SYBR® Safe and GelRed™ dye users: Due to an increased concentration of SDS* in B7024S, NEB recommends using Gel Loading Dye, Purple, No SDS (6X) (NEB# B7025S) instead.



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